Tuesday, October 25, 2011

You cant always get what you want...

Today’s weight: 60.2 (scales of tease… since I stepped back on saw a 60.0 but then 60.2 again.. oh well no biggie!!)
Daily loss: - 0.6 kg (whoosh)

So, back on track after this mini attack!!

Yesterday’s menu:

Brekko: Café latte with 1/2 a Dukan turkey and cheese sandwhich
Snack: coke light + the other half of the dukan sandwhich
Lunch: prawns as a starter + chicken done with a bit of garlic, onion and fresh tomato diced very small
Snack: crab sticks
Dinner: tuna steak and some ham (confession: I had one glass of wine… )

So, I was so happy with the loss. If we ignore my confession, the rest was 100% dukan and 100% PP (the tomato was more a condiment as it was very small and diced into the sauce) however in terms of amount of food it is much more than I usually eat. But I wanted to make an effort and eat 5 meals, which is what all specialists say is what you need to do. I walked half the way home as it was very cold and windy, so instead of taking the two buses which would be door to door -I walked a bit further to take another bus that leaves me at about 1km from my place, better than nothing!!!

Today I have prepared mini hamburger patties with a bit of light cheese on top and my Russian salad (see previous post about this – its dukan mayo with tuna and hard boiled egg – no roasted peppers today as it is PP again – and obviously not all the other ingredients of the real Russian salad) and I had a dukan bread sandwich with ham for breakfast and snack. This mid afternoon snack will be yogurt.

Today is Tuesday so we got our weekly fruit basket at work… everything looks so yummy!!!!! Oh well… I really never was a big fruit person, but now that it is there and I can’t eat it… you know, you always want what you can’t have! And on that line of thought, today’s title the song of another of the best rock and roll bands, ever….

Have a nice evening!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, you are so right -- it's the whole "forbidden fruit" / grass-is-always-greener pitfall of dieting...

    Very nice weight loss today! :)
