Sunday, October 09, 2011

Friday's forgotten post - One more weekend

Today’s weight: 59.9 – into the 50’s!! yay!!! – PV day
Daily loss: -0.4 kg
Total lost: 4.2 kg
Distance to Goal: 3kg
I am at 59.15% of my weight loss!!

First of all a big Thanks to all that have commented on my posts! I love that people actually read me.

So last night I behaved so well!! I did have a glass of wine, and a small portion of this meat pie my mom brought. The rest was all dukan friendly. Plus friends that came with my parents, who are like family to me, well she has the same birthdate as me, so I bought two mini cakes (we are all watching our diets, so I was sure no one was going to have more than one taste, so they were really really mini cakes) one candle each, we blew the candle and I had……. Nothing! Nada! Zero! Sooo proud. And as I suspected everyone else just had one bite, so I even threw some away when they left.

Today I am taking the afternoon off and going to B’s for lunch, haven’t seen him all week!… we might go out, in which case I will stick to PV. The weekend might be hard. Going to meet some friends and I doubt it will remain all dukan friendly... we will see..

I’m so happy for seeing the 59’s that I am extra motivated, even if it is 59 point NINE. I know by Monday even if I behave I might be up to 60 point something, but like I said, I won’t lose sleep over it!

Im still giving song titles for my post by the way, and today’s song is from another one of my favorite all time classic artists!

Might not be able to post during the weekend, but I’ll try… but just in case.. have a nice weekend everyone!!! --- SUNDAY NIGHT EDITING

Went away with B and another couple of friends to a beautiful town about 140 km away. Slept at a very cute hotel... however.. food wise.... big ZERO for me. Tonight light dinner and lets see what the scales will say! as long as i dont hit the 61 again i'll be happy!


  1. Happy birthday!

    Congrats on resisting your birthday cake...not an easy thing to do... :)

  2. Isn't that a great feeling, getting below a certain number? Even though you know you don't look any different at 59,9 than at 60,1 ... it makes all the difference in the world mentally! Congrats!
