Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Happy birthday to me!!!

Today’s weight 61.1
Daily loss -0.3

(weight is according to what I think B’s scales should read)

So, this morning I had mini pastries for breakfast… It is my birthday so they are allowed. I will have a light lunch and a healthy restaurant dinner.. Meat with vegetables or maybe a nicely cooked fish, which is what normally I feel more lazy about cooking myself!

I am getting so many calls and messages for my B-day.. it feels so great!! In the last few years, thanks to Facebook and other cool apps for smart phones everyone is reminded of your birthday, nobody relies on remembering birthdays anymore.. which is sad – I am THE BEST at remembering birthdays without cheating but on pure memory – so I find it sad in a way that we don’t use our memory anymore, but on the other hand its great cos you get so many more birthday wishes!!!

Anyway.. I am taking the afternoon off from work and going shoppinggggg yay!! Auto-birthday present for me today!! If I had lost more weight it would have been clothes, BUT as it is not the case I might get myself a handbag or some nice beauty care products!

Have a great day!!


  1. Happy, happy birthday!

    Yes, today should be all about pampering and being good to yourself... :)

  2. Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I agree with Vicki! Be good to yourself and be proud of your successes so far!!!

  3. Thanks Girls!! quick update before I post later... today I saw a LOSS in the scales!! Maybe it was the Scales' b-day present to me?? hehe.

  4. You sleep with your watch on and weigh yourself with it!??? That's a definite 200 g .... depending on the watch!! ;-)

  5. Happy Birthday. I just came across your blog, really enjoyed reading it. I just started the Dukan Diet this week... again. I'll be back to read more. Have a great day.
