Friday, October 21, 2011


Happy Friday everyone!

One day a long time ago my ex boyfriend asked me… what’s your favorite day of the week. I said Saturday, of course! And he said… you are lying, because every single Friday morning you wake up and say: Im so happy today is Friday, or Thank God its Friday, or something of the sort, and I never hear you say that on a Saturday. Funny.

Anyway, so its Friday, I have started my antibiotics. I’m taking the afternoon off and having lunch with B…. hummm C, behave!! Tonight I’m going out for a bite to eat (not proper restaurant dinner, but rather tapas- which is so dangerous on a diet…) with my parents, my brother + sister in law, and a couple of family friends that are visiting. It will be hard not to have wine … *sigh*

I won’t stress about the diet this weekend… so, ok, let me say that it’s not that I have given up, no, BUT, I am at 61 kg, which has been my weight for so many years… (every time I went up to 64 I always got back to 60-61, and this forever and ever since I can remember… ) so, I have a tendency to think..“I’m fine like this, don’t get to obsessed with losing more, follow a healthy Mediterranean diet and eat sensibly and it will be fine…” but then I always end up back at 63-64, but now that I am back at 60-61this is why I am being so lax about it lately, its my little ritual of 4kg up, 4kg down. However, I am determined to lose another 3-4 kg this time and I know I can do it. So, I will get back on track soon. Monday – I am being realistic and the weekend is not going to work as PP days but I will be sensible, I promise!

Also, I need to lose those 4 kg because yesterday I took another very important decision: on the 13th of November I will quit smoking (again!). Last time I quit smoking I gained 4 kg. I allowed myself to gain those 4 kg in order to fight against the urge to smoke, as comfort and to make the withdrawal process easier.. in my head I said, eat away and when you reach 4kg STOP eating. And it worked, and I quit smoking and I even lost 2 of the 4 kg. I didn’t smoke for over a year… But Alas! Some issues early this year made me restart smoking, not as much as before, I actually don’t smoke that much anymore, but smoking a little or a lot is still smoking and this needs to stop. So, I will not allow it to happen again and by “it” I mean gaining weight as a consolation price for not smoking AND re-fall in the ugly habit of smoking.

So, as of the 13th of November the blog will be twofold… dukan and cigarette withdrawal.. yes sir!

Happy Weekend!!!


  1. Hi!

    Well done on the giving up smoking. :)

    I have my own blog, can i ask how you added your side bars, for your tracking and goals? Id love to add them to mine.


  2. Good luck with stopping smoking, that can't be easy. I've had to give up drinking tea (caffeine) and that was hard enough, so I can't imagine how hard it is to give up cigarettes. Good luck.

    Sunflower. Go to the 'design' part of your blog and adding side bars etc... are called 'gadgets'. Have a fiddle. If you need help feel free to ask on my blog.

  3. Hi sunflower!! Welcome to my blog.
    What's your blog so I can add you to my blogroll??
