Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Glass of Water

Day 51 – Cruise day 47 – PV
Today’s weight: 61.1
Daily loss: -0.3

Ok, back on track. Yesterday I ended up having a glass of wine (it’s too much of a temptation when B and I have dinner we like to enjoy a glass of wine, I can usually keep away from it during the week but we had a hard day yesterday so … ok, no excuses I know!!!) I’m sure if I hadn’t it would have been -0.5 instead of -0.3 as part of yesterday’s gain is water weight.

Today Tupperware lunch, leftovers from dinner: chicken breast and roasted red peppers. Don’t know what I will do tonight.. tomorrow is Spain’s national day, so no work (yipiii) but I might go out, don’t know yet. It will be hard this week getting back to my 59.9 but I will definitely try!

Yesterday I walked to work (3.5 km) and walked part of the way back (1km) – today I came with my bike (if at least it was a bicycle-bike… but nope, it’s a motor-bike) but I will try to go home early and take a nice walk in the park. Also, I did not have any oat bran yesterday, had some today. I realized that last week I had my oat bran every day, exercised (although not much) and behaved very well – result 1kg down. So, it’s not like I don’t know what I have to do… shame on me!

No more to say today… I’m trying to buy tickets for a Coldplay concert, so today’s title one of their songs that fits our wonderful new habits!


  1. Ooooh, I love Coldplay! Very jealous that you're going to see them... :)

  2. Oh I love Coldplay too! That's one band I'd love to go and see! :)

    I have struggled with limiting my alcohol intake... In fact, I have been slipping quite a lot from Dukan on weekends. I don't think an occasional glass (or two) of wine really do a major difference. I've been able to keep on losing despite some - erm - drinks... My weakness is white wine and good old GT, which is apparently quite low in carbs too.

    Don't worry too much, I'm sure you can resume the loss ;-) And... Enjoy Coldplay! x
