Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Missing in action!!

(for some reason blogger doesnt respect my parragraphs and it appears all like a huge chunk... sorry!) Wow, it's been so long since my last post and so many things have happened. Related to this blog I can say that I have gained back all the weight lost + a couple extra kilos. I am not going to try to make excuses although I do believe there is a logical explanation. Since the begining of this year I have been TTC (with no luck) and also have done 2 IVF cycles (again, with no luck) therefore the weight little by little went up and up and up. First I have to say that I am 38 years old, therefore I knew that my chances were not as good and at first I did not expect to get preagnant immediately, which was fine, and I continued with Dukan (jan, feb) to first of all lose what I had gained over christmas (2 kg) and to continue with my objective, thinking that if I did get pregnant whatever weight I lost before was a good margin for the extra weight I would gain with the pregnancy. I was not too sure that Dukan and TTC went too well along and therefore in march I decided to do Dukan but only the consolidation phase so I would get fruit and some carbs and my body would be better prepared. After another couple of months came the anxiety of not being able to conceive and I not only abandon the diet completely but ate far too much due to the anxiety. At the begining of summer after 6 unsuccessful months TTC I already reached my starting weight of 64.5 plus I started an IVF cycle. With the anxiety, the hormones and all that goes along with that, now the summer is over, 1st IVF did not work, I gained another couple of kilos and now I am at almost 66 kg and no baby. I did a second unsuccesful IVF cycle and have a couple of frozen embrios that I will go for in a couple of months as I need a rest from all the anxiety and maybe loose 3 kgs (I am trying to be realistic) in the meantime still trying the natural way just in case. Obviously - or maybe not so obviously for those who really believe in the healthyness of Dukan - I will not do Dukan. I really feel I do need to do what we call a "mediterranean" diet or a more balanced diet that includes a small amount of carbs in the morning, some fruit, many vegetables, protein, no sugar, no alcohol... I am not saying that Dukan is unhealthy and I have seen the amazing results of some fellow dukan bloggers, but I also think that there is a moment in life for everything and that if when TTC you need to be healthy 100% then I feel more confortable with the typical food piramid. So that's all folks!! This is why I have been away, this is the logical explanation (not an excuse but an explanation) of my weight gain. I am not confortable at all with this gain, actually until I reached the 64 kg that were my starting weight last August I was more or less ok with it. But after going over that mark I started feeling not so good. Anyway, although I have been absent I have kept up more or less regularly with your blogs so I did not abandon you I only became a silent blogger-colleage!! :o) Here are the statistics: Starting weight August 2011: 64.4 kg Lowest weight on Dukan: 59.6 kg (december 2011) Highest weight this summer: 66.7 kg Actual weight: 65.5 (this morning) cheers!! and happy Wednesday!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Attack, again.. and again...

Ok, so back to attack, and this time for good. I have to be very strong this month for a couple of reasons I'll tell you about soon.

I have to say I am having a harder time keeping strong partly because of this no smoking thing.. and stress and anyway I won't whine... I can do it.

Mexican food last night was so yummy and so Non-Dukan. I behaved, more or less, and enjoyed it as a last supper sort of thing. Today I was an A student and there was a batch of muffins right by my desk from someone who had cooked them for the team. I resisted even looking at them!!

Anyway.. here we go! Attack day 1 DONE!!
(Didn't weigh my self this morning, and will not do it until Friday... see how that goes... i always weighed myself every day, I will try a different approach this time)

Have a nice evening everyone!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Back to (almost) square one!

The weekend was a disaster food wise. It was almost imposible to keep up with the diet as these types of festivities are crazy! Saturday except for the alcohol (beer, wine) food was mostly protein. Sunday and Monday rice... and that was the begining of the end... Anyway... weight is back up to 63.5 and since I got back Tuesday I have more or less been Dukan but not quite.

Today and tomorrow will be PP and this weekend for the first time in a loooong time I will be home, no special plans, no trips.. but I have a dinner on Sunday which will be Mexican food on the menu... let's see how that goes.

How are you all doing? I will catch up on your blogs now as this week I haven't checked them.

Have a great day! Spring is here!! Enjoy it!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Summary work-week 1

Lost since monday: 2.5kg in 3 days of attack + one PV.

Yesterday I took the day off and had lunch with my mom. It was meant to be the 4th day of attack, but it turned into a PV day. Had a nice salad with lettuce, onion, tuna, asparragus, tomato and a tiny bit of corn that i tried to avoid and two eggs sunny side up and some green peppers as main course. I had 4 (literaly FOUR) french fries (hummm) that came with the eggs although I had asked not to have them. So temptation was huge and i dipped FOUR fries on the runny egg yolk (yummy!)

Anyway no harm done as yesterday's weight was 62.3 and today 62.0 yay!!!
So, as planned first week of attack -2.5 kg (which might be just 2 if you dont take the weekend water weight into account) Anywhooooo its great for the morale and the will power.

Two colleagues celebrated their birthday today and brought in an amazing breakfast... did not lift my bumb from my chair.. not even to whish them a happy birtday (not too nice... but i have zero will power) but as soon as all the food is gone I will go to their desk to congratulate them... oh well!!

Off to Valencia tomorrow morning... hope to behave food wise as Dukan will be difficult... but already feel good about kick starting the dukan challenge again!

On Tuesday I will let you know how it went!
Have a great weekend

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Attack day 2 ...

Day 2
Loss: 0.5kg

morning all!! just had my coffee and dukan bread for midday snack.. yum.
Today's weight was 62.6 - so less of a drop from the previous day but very happy.

The weather in Madrid these days is so gorgeous. It semms like spring, but May weather spring. It hasn't rained (like real rain, not just a few drops, but good old three days in a row raining) in like 3 months, which is terrible as Madrid is a city with high polution and you can tell in the air that we are suffocating. Plus the countryside is so dry, and the lakes at very low levels, like the ones we would expect in August. So... we are very very concerned. Anyway, in the meantime we are enjoying the nice weather. Bad thing is I am too tempted to use my Vespa instead of walking... oh well.

Also this weekend B and I are going to Valencia to the "fallas" so eating will be a challenge. Specially because we have already planned a paella with friends on Sunday.

On my last Dukan attempt I had a "celebration" meal even if on Cruise phase every once in a while. Obviously my weight loss was slower but it was the price to pay. I did not mind at all. So, Fallas here I come, I hope the scales wont punish me too much. Until Friday though I will behave. I also just cancelled tomorrow's sushi lunch with a friend we had planned beofre re-attakcing Dukan... we will meet next week, preferably not sushi!!

This diet is very easy to do, just need to plan ahead!!
Today's lunch: Chicken breast with sautéed onions and tofu
Have a great day!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Attack Day 1 - check!!

I had written such a long (and ofcourse lovely) post and it got deleted... argg hate that!!

As I was saying today's weight 63.1 (wooohoooo!!!) that's a great start to the attack phase, although I have to say that the 64.5 reading yesterday morning probably had that extra .5 due to the amazing lunch Sunday which was so delicious that it can be the best bye-bye to non-diet eating meal ever.

I know that tomorrow's drop won't be as spectacular, but I have to say that this a bit over 1kg loss has boosted my ego and my will power to get back on track.

About an hour and a half ago my colleagues came out of a meeting with clients and brought over with them the left over croissants and orange juice and I did not even sniff them!! I simply grabbed my bag and took out my Dukan Bread sandwich with Philly and Turkey (the dukan nutella recipee in the linked post is only for cruise and only in case of chocolate emergency). Once again preparation is key....

Have a great Tuesday everyone and beware of the Diet Troll I haven't seen him around... YET! but me... I'm back!!


Monday, March 12, 2012

Back.... hopefully to stay...

Hello, hello... I'm back on the blog... and re-re-re-restarting Dukan!

Since december 3rd when I reached my lowest at 59.5 i have not been able to diet at all. I had a restart on New Year's that didnt last. I then went back up. Then I finally quit smoking, and.... up up up and away. So now, I am back to the starting weight of august 2011 with 64.5kg (yikes, how did that happen)but at least I'm not smoking. Oh well.

My weight had stabilised at 63 - 63.5 but today I saw 64.5 and decided, that's enough!!!

B's away all week, so its the perfect time to do the Attack phase. Plus I'm studying again, so no temptations to go out with friends or anything like that. I reall really want to have a mega-woosh of a couple of kilos on Attack, I need it mostly psychologically... not so much for the 2kg but for feeling able to restart and go back to 60 again as a first mini-goal.

On my time away from blogging I have read your blogs regularly so I know that you are all doing quite well. A very special "congratulations" to Sandi who is now officially my hero... and also to Moonday for blogging regularly again. Can't name you all, but you know who you are.

I will now check out the new blogger, Dukan Dietress, who commented on my last post, without knowing I was a quitter .. haha... but I am back, stronger than ever, and since the weather is so awesome after a very very cold winter, i will start my walking again ...

Cheers all... and I am glad to be back, and hope to stay ...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

No Dukan, but some loss

Although I'm still on my Dukan-break I have managed to go down to 61,1 - that's one kilo down.

Nice full brekko in the morning - orange juice, coffee and toast. Fruit as a morning snack. A salad of rucula. Parmesan and turkey with raisins was yesterday's lunch. I sinned with a small
Bit of chocolate mid afternoon, but had a light dinner.

That's been more or less my meals for the last week, changing only the lunch menu.

Anyway, might reDukan as of next week when I'm back from my Lisbon weekend if I feel strong enough to do it without cheating!!

Also will give the quitting smoking another go also as of Monday Feb 6th.

Have a great week everyone!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bad bad me...

Still here, still reading your blogs and amazing accomplishments. As for me my absence has nothing to do with my bad behavior dukan wise but I must admit to having done a lot of transgressions and to a bit of a set back. Still at 62-ish.

I have other things on my mind an have given myself a break. Will not overpass the 62 mark that I can say with a strong commitment and as soon as I am ready I will go back down to 60 or less if I can. But later. Now I am on a (controlled) break.

Keep it up everyone!!
Will keep you updated further along the way with my projects!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Blogging at work!!

Found a workaround to logging into blogger at work. Normally we cannot acces Gmail or hotmail or facebook or any of this stuff, but aparently (since i am currently blogging) blogger is not on the red list!! yay!!

Yesterday's weight: 60.7 (-0,6 since Tuesday)
today's weight: 60.8
total lost since Jan 2012: 1.4kg

Up 100 gr since yesterday, which was expected but I am happy to see it's not a big increase. Yesterday we had our anouncement of promotions, salary raises etc, and it went quite well... no raise for me, but I did get a promotion.. yay!! In the current market situation a no-raise is normal, so it was expected, and I am not at all disappointed. Having a JOB is what counts right now. So, becuase it was THE DAY we went out to lunch, the whole team with the boss as there were other promotions to celebrate as well, and I behaved myself quite well... i had a steak tartar (raw minced meat marinated in mustard, capers and other stuff i don't know) however i did have one tiny toast that came with it and as a starter a bit of Burrata with truffled olive oil!! mmmm

Then at dinner time i went with my nephew and one of my cousins, who is his age, to Burger King. I sat there seeing them eat their chicken tenders and fries and a mini sandy with caramel ... oh dear, that was hard!! In the end I wasn't able to resist and had 2 chicken tenders (ohhh no!!) then I left them both at their respective homes and went with my parents for a drink to tell them about the promotion.. so wine and picky food (very very little, but I sinned anyway) ... so, result: already cheated on the 3rd day of my second reboot AND gained 0.1kg since yesterday

Moonday would say its a just punishment... and I should do like Charlotte and start putting stats up for how many days I go without cheating or since the last cheat!!

Anyway, today's menu:

Breakfast: 2 cafe latte
Snack: 1/2 Dukan ham and cheese sandwich
Lunch: Hard boiled egg and a nice plate of cooked shrimp with garlic + yogurt
snack: will have another yogurt if I get hungry
dinner: might go out, so will have to watch out.. if not tuna steak ( I took two big tuna steaks out of the freezer, one for tonight and one for tomrrow's tupperware lunch)

Cheers all!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I can Dukan!!

Today is a PP day - TW: 61,4 kg
Lost since August 2011 - 3 little kilos (with a low of -4,5 at one point)
Lost since Jan 2012 - 0,8 kg

Menu for the day
B: 2 caffe lates
Snack: coke light and 1/2 dukan sandwich with Philly and ham
L: chicken curry + yogurt
Snack: 1/2 dukan sandwich
D: don't know yet but definitively PP

Next goal is to lose 1,4 by Feb 3rd for my weekend trip to Lisbon, I know Lisbon will mean no diet and quite a bit more food than a normal weekend but sightseeing an walking are also on the schedule so we will see.

B is also dieting and exercising as he has gained 6-7 kilos since summer 2010 - he doesn't look overweight about 88kg for a very tall and muscular guy but you can see that belly.. Hehe.

His goal 80, mine 57. We want to go swimming twice a week. Other than that he runs and I walk. But he's not doing Dukan... Let's see how it goes!!

Back to work now..

Monday, January 16, 2012

Still here...

I haven't blogged for a while, I've been quite busy and I admit not doing well on Dukan, which also kept me away from blogging... anyway, I gained back the bit lost on the re-attack, I will justify myself even if it is just too feel better about it... by saying I have a terrible cold, winter has finally struck Spain and I've had birthday celebrations and social events going on... anyway, there is no excuse I know. Sandi for example sticks to the diet even on weddings, so we can all do it.. its a question of will power i guess.

Not much more to tell.. hope to get rid of this cold soon, today's weather is not helping, rain, wind, damp, cold... arg.. hate winter!!

B and I had a great not-at-all-Dukan lunch yesterday to celebrate our last day of eating whatever we wanted and we both decided to start dieting (again in my case) today. I didn't do too well today, had one of those salads with fatty sauces and bits of bacon and carbs... but I will have a light dinner and reboot tomorrow. Not sure if I will Dukan or just diet the mediterranean way (fruit + bread for breakfas, vegetables + protein lunches, protein dinners... humm will think about it)

Will let you know.
In the meantime I have been reading your blogs and you are all doing grrrrrreat!! Keep it up!!

Friday, January 06, 2012

I love holidays

1:43 pm and still in my pijamas! I love when a work day is a holiday!!! Sorry for what i am about to say but I do not plan on showering until 5 ... I have to be at my parent's house by 6. The whole family is going to collect the 3 King's presents with my nephew. No intention of leaving my apartment until then... there's nowhere to go anyway as it is a holiday, everything is closed... could go to a museum but... its cold, its a holiday and its already decided i am staying HOME! :0)
This way I can also stick to my 4th day of attack. This is how today looks:

Breakfast: caffe late and a toast of Dukan bread (with a tiny bit of marmalade)
No snack since Brekko was at 11
Lunch: Chicken soup (which was made with veggies but I am just having the broth so I guess it doesn't count as veggie, right?) + grilled chicken
Will see if I have an afternoon snack...
Dinner: will be tricky since after going to my parent's I am meeting a friend to go see the new film about Margaret Thatcher so might have a bite out, so I need to be careful I've been so good with this re-attack phase... and I already know I'll end up having a drink (alcoholic, probably G&T... ) so we will see, we will see..

Tomorrow B comes back and we are going to have dinner out so I really want to "behave" til then... This is so hard!! and i have such little will power.. but hey! so far so good.... I met my frist mini-goal of version 2.. which was to lose 1,5kg on attack which lasts till tomorrow, and already this morning I am at -1,6

Oh yeah, forgot the stats

Today's weight 60,6
yesterday's weight 61
lost since Jan 2nd 1,6kg (yay!)

Have a great day!!

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Noche de Reyes

Today’s weight: 61,0
Weight loss: 0,7
Loss since Jan 2nd 1,2

Not bad… 0,7 loss … I stuck to the plan (minus the wine and 2 crackers with the steak tartare) and enjoyed the evening a lot. Today.. well, I did’t have my Dukan bread and had breakfast with B who doesn’t understand this “no bread in the morning” thing, so he made me a toast… oh well… not to worry.

Good news today, there was finally no Roscón at work… we had a “bring your kids to work day” Dec 23rd with a lot of goodies instead – I had forgotten that. So good, no temptations there. Normally we have the afternoon off but in my department we need to be always at least one so I’m staying till 6 – most people left the office by 2, so as soon as they did I heated up the Tupperware and had a lonely Tupperware desk lunch (lonely does not equal sad, I was quite happy) No work tomorrow.. yay… but I have to get up early as we will go with my nephew to my parents house to see if the 3 kings left any pressies there!! So exciting!!! (see previous post)

This afternoon I will go to the Three Kings parade organized for the kids with my nephew. It will be freezing waiting for it but I am so excited to take him!!!

And that’s about it!! Here’s today food plan:
Breakfast: Coffe and toast with the smallest amount of raspberry marmalade on it
Snack: another coffee at 10 and an Actimel 0% at 11.30
Lunch: Chicken Breasts + 0% plain yogurt
Snack for the parade in order to NOT eat the candy they throw at you from the chariots: Crab sticks
Dinner: I’m debating between a ham & cheese omelette or some carpaccio…

Have a great day and an exciting “noche de reyes” the most exciting night when you are a kid... you go to bed excited as when you wake up, if you have been good the 3 Kings and their camels will have left you all the presents you asked for in your letter to the Kings. (a bit like Christmas eve, but in Spain this night is the important one)

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Attack and Christmas traditions

Attack Day 2 – Dukan 2012

TW: 61,7 (-0,5)
Starting weight 2012: 62.2
Lost since version 1: 2,4
Lost since version 2: 0,5

So half a kilo, not bad! Yesterday’s dinner was finally a soft boiled egg + ham + a bit of the left over tuna (straight from the can!)

Today I was better prepared:

Breakfast: 2 café late + dukan bread sandwich with philly + ham
Lunch: two small lovely veil steaks + hard boiled egg with runny yolk – not soft boiled runny but runny… (yummy!)
Snack later: yogurt
Dinner tonight: will be tricky as I am meeting B… and eating out.. but I am planning on having a delicious steak tartar at our favorite place! (will probably sneak in a glass of wine… lets admit it)

Its hard not to cheat at work with all the leftover Christmas candies lying around. Plus, tomorrow is the day before the “three wise men” come to bring gifts to children so we have only half day of work ending with a coffe and “roscón” which is a traditional pastry for this day .. a bit of an explanation on both so you know what I am talking about…

In The Bible it is said that three wise men visited Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The 3 wise men, or 3 kings, are regular figures in traditional celebrations of Christmas and are an important part of the Christian tradition in Spain. On the night of the 5th to the 6th of January (Epiphany) they come to Spanish homes – by the way they travel by camel - to bring the gifts that children have asked for by sending a letter (well, to all, not just children he he he) The 6th of Jan is a holiday so kids get the whole day to play with their new toys. School vacation ends after the 6th of Jan (yea, 2 weeks off school for Christmas, how lucky are we??)

On that day we eat a special pastry called “roscón” (see pic) Its basically sweet bread and for decoration, fig fruit, cherries, almond flakes or dried and candied fruits are used they can be filled with cream or not (I don’t like it with cream inside) Roscones hide in their interior a figure - either of baby Jesus or others like little toys for kids and a dry faba bean. Whoever finds the figure is crowned and becomes the "king" or "queen" of the banquet, whereas whoever finds the bean has to pay next year's roscón.

Traditions are fun!! But why do they always include carbs, sweets, drinks… argg! So tomorrow when the Roscón comes… I need to hide somewhere! Haha!

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Dukan version 2 Attack day 1.... *sigh*

Quick update from iPhone while I have a cup of coffee...

Weight today: same as yesterday which is great after the huge pasta/pizza meal yesterday... So 62,2kg

First day of attack so PP day

Brekko: low fat cafe late with a dukan bread ham sandwich - I forgot that attack allows only one Tbs of oat ram and had 2... Oh well

Lunch: wasn't prepared so sad lunch: can of tuna, two boiled eggs and a couple of slices of ham - but I already took two nice steaks out of the freezer for tomorrow

Liquids: so far 1L of water and one 33cl can of diet coke - yea and 3 coffees!!

Dinner: will probably be ham omelette... + yogurt

Exercise: I will walk home after work (3km) even though it's so cold out!! But Moonday says it counts double! Hahaha so awesome!!

That's all for now ... Back to work and to the "perfect flat - hunt"! More on that some other day...

Monday, January 02, 2012

Happy New Year!!!! And welcome Dukan v2.0 or Dukan 2012!!

Well, here we are 2012!! I welcome this new year with open arms and I know it will be great. I have many projects and unlike other years this one I will do everything in my power to accomplish them. Some will be hard, some will be maybe impossible, some don't depend only on me, but I am determined. Will update you along the way I am excited and this is going to be a great year!!

First but by far NOT the most important one is lose these 2.2 kg i have gained since December 2nd! On that day I left for a week off and from there it was up up and away! Its been a good break, I have enjoyed all I have done, eaten and drunk ... but now... its a new year and a new begining. I will erase my stats on my blog (but keep them somewhere for reference) and tomorrow is a new begining.

Starting weight Dukan Version 2.0 = 62.2 kg
Today was supposed to be firt day of Attack but it didnt work
However Tomorrow will be a PP day

Today was a bad eating day. We celebrated 2 birthdays at work, and since it was only 5 of us at the office we went to an italian restaurant AFTER having had some tapas.. so I ate waaaay too much.

Here's to a new year and new beginings, and not only diet wise