Friday, January 06, 2012

I love holidays

1:43 pm and still in my pijamas! I love when a work day is a holiday!!! Sorry for what i am about to say but I do not plan on showering until 5 ... I have to be at my parent's house by 6. The whole family is going to collect the 3 King's presents with my nephew. No intention of leaving my apartment until then... there's nowhere to go anyway as it is a holiday, everything is closed... could go to a museum but... its cold, its a holiday and its already decided i am staying HOME! :0)
This way I can also stick to my 4th day of attack. This is how today looks:

Breakfast: caffe late and a toast of Dukan bread (with a tiny bit of marmalade)
No snack since Brekko was at 11
Lunch: Chicken soup (which was made with veggies but I am just having the broth so I guess it doesn't count as veggie, right?) + grilled chicken
Will see if I have an afternoon snack...
Dinner: will be tricky since after going to my parent's I am meeting a friend to go see the new film about Margaret Thatcher so might have a bite out, so I need to be careful I've been so good with this re-attack phase... and I already know I'll end up having a drink (alcoholic, probably G&T... ) so we will see, we will see..

Tomorrow B comes back and we are going to have dinner out so I really want to "behave" til then... This is so hard!! and i have such little will power.. but hey! so far so good.... I met my frist mini-goal of version 2.. which was to lose 1,5kg on attack which lasts till tomorrow, and already this morning I am at -1,6

Oh yeah, forgot the stats

Today's weight 60,6
yesterday's weight 61
lost since Jan 2nd 1,6kg (yay!)

Have a great day!!


  1. So it's 4:30 pm ... have you showered yet ;-)?
    hope you had a great, great lazy day!!!

  2. You are doing great! I had a pajama day myself... I'm in bed now and ready to sleep :)
    You need to find the energy to say no. Try Moonday's philosophy which is WILL I REGRET THIS IF I *DON'T * EAT THIS. Of course you won't... Got myself thru a dumplings craving like thatbthis morning when I ventured one to the little market for tea eggs in my jammies :)
