Thursday, January 05, 2012

Noche de Reyes

Today’s weight: 61,0
Weight loss: 0,7
Loss since Jan 2nd 1,2

Not bad… 0,7 loss … I stuck to the plan (minus the wine and 2 crackers with the steak tartare) and enjoyed the evening a lot. Today.. well, I did’t have my Dukan bread and had breakfast with B who doesn’t understand this “no bread in the morning” thing, so he made me a toast… oh well… not to worry.

Good news today, there was finally no Roscón at work… we had a “bring your kids to work day” Dec 23rd with a lot of goodies instead – I had forgotten that. So good, no temptations there. Normally we have the afternoon off but in my department we need to be always at least one so I’m staying till 6 – most people left the office by 2, so as soon as they did I heated up the Tupperware and had a lonely Tupperware desk lunch (lonely does not equal sad, I was quite happy) No work tomorrow.. yay… but I have to get up early as we will go with my nephew to my parents house to see if the 3 kings left any pressies there!! So exciting!!! (see previous post)

This afternoon I will go to the Three Kings parade organized for the kids with my nephew. It will be freezing waiting for it but I am so excited to take him!!!

And that’s about it!! Here’s today food plan:
Breakfast: Coffe and toast with the smallest amount of raspberry marmalade on it
Snack: another coffee at 10 and an Actimel 0% at 11.30
Lunch: Chicken Breasts + 0% plain yogurt
Snack for the parade in order to NOT eat the candy they throw at you from the chariots: Crab sticks
Dinner: I’m debating between a ham & cheese omelette or some carpaccio…

Have a great day and an exciting “noche de reyes” the most exciting night when you are a kid... you go to bed excited as when you wake up, if you have been good the 3 Kings and their camels will have left you all the presents you asked for in your letter to the Kings. (a bit like Christmas eve, but in Spain this night is the important one)

1 comment:

  1. You're making excellent progress, 1.2Kg loss already - that inspires me to be a good Dukanista :-)
