Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Exam passed!! yay!!

Today's weight: 59,7

Yesterday being my 100th day I had sort of a breakdown. For some reason I could not stop eating!! Looking back on it TTOM is approaching, that's one reason, and I was having my exam the next day (i.e. today) - so, all that not being able to stop eating, obviously means: chocolate, cookies & potato chips (only had like 3, stopped just in time)... however since I felt guilty I did something you shouldnt do: went to bed with no dinner!! I wasn't hungry really, from pigging out... so today the scales stayed practically the same..

But last night in bed I thought: f** it! and thought that today I would just eat whatever I wanted, while falling asleep I planned having a delicious and carby breakfast and thought after the exam I would have lunch with my mom and have a nice pasta or something and thought... who cares!! BUT... Ladies (and maybe some unknown gentleman out there who might be reading), surprisingly enough this morning I had my oat bran toast (ok, yea, with a tiny bit of raspberry marmalade), my cafe latte .. went to my exam... had lunch out with mom: fish and very nice lettuce, onion and tomato salad, no desert... Then spent some time with my nephew and watched him eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich (i'll admit to a bit of mouth watering while watching him, but I resisted with ease!!!) and have not snacked at all!!! Incredible no? I decided and allowed my self to just eat whatever, but eating Dukan just came out naturally... it was not a conscious effort!! I'm having a diet coke now and will have a ham omelette and some low fat cheese later. I'm so proud!!
And yes, I passed my exam!! Its taken at a examination center (the examening body is in the UK but they have exam centers all over) and it is computer based, so you have 50 questions + 5 trial questions that don't count towards your score, and at the end it prints a certificate saying you've taken the exam and it tells you "pass" or "fail" saying it is a provisional result and you need to check after 72hrs on their website for the score! But for me, that "pass" is more than enough!! haha!!!

So, now, in January part III of the certificate... this thing is endless!! Two down, one to go!!

So, tonight I am happy for having stuck to the diet even after giving myself permission to break it... having passed my exam.. and B is coming back, but I think I won't see him tonight as again he travels early tomorrow morning but just for a return in the day trip...

Tomorrow, after two months of tupperware lunches at work so I could study at lunch time, I will go out for lunch to the menu place with my colleagues, I hope I am able to order dukan food and resist as well as I resisted today. Saturday B and I go away for a week so I must resist tomorrow and Friday since I know that away it will be more difficult!!

Have a great evening everyone!!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 100 !! wow!

*** editing *** Today's weight: 58,8 - 4,3kg lost on Ducan with a loooooot of cheating going on. - Obviously it is 59,8 and not 58... yea, I wish! still, very close to my goal.

Like I say in my introduction or "about me" section, my goal on Dukan is not to lose a huge amount of weight but to lose those kilos gained since my 20's. 7 in total. Not much, so I really don't mind if it is a slow process. I have cooked with olive oil, had sugar in my coffee at least once a day (the rest with sweetner) I do a celebration meal so to speak at least once a week when with family or friends, and the ocasional glass of wine. A Gin and Tonic every once in a while if I go out... so all in all I am quite happy with my loss. And I will continue until I reach 57kg even it it takes me another 100 days! :o)

Christmas is approaching and I find myself with two Danger zones. Next week we have 2 bank holidays almost in a row: Tuesday and Thursday. So yes, I am taking Mon, Wed, and Friday off and going away for a week. Last time I was away for a week I gained 1 kilo. Second danger zone.. Christmas!!

So, it will be hard, but I am sure I will manage. wont think about it now. All I know is the days which are not in the Danger Zone I will behave and leverage the damage... we shall see

Not much more to say on this 100th day except: KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED TOMORROW!!! I have my exam!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Glass of wine

Got home at 9 from studying after work in the office, just had a soft bolied egg, a few slices of ham and i might have a yogurt while I watch one of my favorite series... but I must admit i am sipping on a nice (small) glass of wine!! Yes, I know, not good, but i am beat!! i deserve it!! it was a long hard day of work followed by studying from 6.30 to almost 9!! Anyway, i know its an excuse.
Today's weight 59,9 so +300 grams on the weekend. Not bad, considering. Last night I cheated a bit as B came back from the weekend and we had a nice dinner. Quite dukan friendly but not Dukan strict. Oh well. As long as I don't see that 60 again!

Going to chill now, so have a great evening!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Study study study

Today's weight: 59,8
Saturday's weight: 60,2
Friday's weight: 59,6

So, as you can see Friday night I did not behave as well as I had promised to. Had 3 glasses of wine and some picky food. So Saturday morning weigh in was half a kilo up!!! WTF! Obviously it was the empty calories of the wine ... or something like that!! Yesterday I ate out with a friend and did not break the rules, no snacking and then a dukan bread sandwhich and a coke for dinner while watching Black Swan! Today, back down so that's good ... crisis averted!

Both catch-up with friends Friday evening and yesterday' lunch were great! They were also the only two highlights of the weekend .... + B's return tonight!! ;o)

Other than that its been studying studying studying... and getting optic fibre installed! Now I speeeeed through the internet and have HD channels on my TV! Yay!

Anyway, B is going away for work Monday through Wednesday so I will be able to study and diet without temptations!! But i will miss him, dont misunderstand me - haha

Got to go back to the books! Have a lovely Sunday!!

PS: Still not doing enough excercise, but will try to fix that after wednesday's exam. Still smoking, but have cut down quite a lot. And still drinking lots of water - which I never mention but always drink the prescribed amounts!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Weight update!! Back on track!! Yea!!

Don't have much time and not at home. Just to share my excitement about this week's progress

Last Friday I still had the extra kilo gained during business trip and then I had the sushi day and many cheats, however the weekend I lost 100 grams! Then...

Monday: 60.7
Tuesday: 60.5
Wednesday: 60.0
Thursday: 59.7 - back to weight of the 8th of November - yay!
Friday: 59.6

So, I better behave this weekend. B's away, my parents are away, I have to study ... So keeping away from temptation should be easy enough!!! Tonight I'm meeting a friend but she's dieting too so I'm safe!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

2nd post today - Dukan Bread and Dukan Nutella

Just thought while i was doing my dukan bread to share the recipe (i posted it on a comment in Viki's blog once) and also a recipe of what I did with the left over yolk - NUTELLA!

so here it goes


2 Tbsp oat bran
1 Tbsp wheat bran
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 egg white
1 Tbsp fat-free yogurt or quark-type cheese
Seasonings/spices(e.g., garlic powder)- optional

1) Mix the dry ingredients in a microwave-safe, rectangular container (so that it comes out like a thin slice of bread), then add the egg white and the yogurt. Mix everything well, and add a pinch of salt.

2) Cover with plastic wrap, then punch a couple holes in it with a fork. Microwave (on max power) for 3 minutes.

4) After 3 minutes, take it out, flip it over, cover, and put in the microwave for 1 more minute. Then take it out and leave it on a grill-type surface (so that it has air all around it) until it cools down.

5) Toast it before eating.


I used the egg yolk after using the whites for the bread

1 Egg yolk
1 Tsp of powder fat free milk
1 Tsp of fat free cocoa powder
1 Tsp of liquid sweetner
Hazelnut Aroma - one drop - optional

Mix the egg yolk with the teaspoon of cocoa - the mixture will be very thick but you just need to continue mixing. Then mix the powder milk, same thing, dont despair and keep mixing even if very very thick. The mixture will start to become dark dark brown. Add the teaspoon of liquid sweetner this will help a bit with the thickness. If too thick add a drop of milk. Add the drop of hazelnut aroma (optional)

Leave in the fridge a couple of hours or until you eat it!! yummm

With these amounts you will get very little amount of Nutella, but enough for at least two slices of your Dukan bread.

Enjoy!!! (will add picture tomorrow when i prepare my nutella toast in the morning!)

This is dedicated to those that like Moonday lick the nutella off their fingers when they prepare it for someone else ;o)

Tuesday and Wednesday - mini attack phase

So, finally yesterday I found the strength to do a PP day with no cheating! And today must be the same.

Monday’s weight: 60.7 – (food wise a disaster… see post from Monday evening)
Tuesday’s weight: 60.5 – (big surprise as Monday was a big carb cheating day! – scales of tease??)
Wednesday’s weight: 60.0 – (yay!)
(all this in B’s scales, so its approximate. Tomorrow my scales will tell the full truth!!)

So, Tuesday I took the bull by the horns and completed a perfect PP attack day – oh wait, no, actually I had toast for breakfast at B’s because I was going to donate blood in the morning and thought I might need the extra energy. The Red Cross comes to our office building twice a year for a campaign on blood donations, and I always go donate. I find it is a huge contribution and since I don’t mind needles and blood at all I have been a Red Cross blood donor for years. So, despite the toast in the morning and the normal Coke (with sugar, yes, the red can) after donating blood I still managed to whoosh half a kilo with this attack day. So more today and hopefully I will be back to the 59 point something by Friday, which was my weight before the Luxembourg trip.

Menu: Coffee and toast for brekko, full sugar coke after donating snack, carpaccio and half a dukan bread ham + philly sandwich for lunch, the other half of the sandwich as a snack, scrambled eggs with a bit of a Spanish sausage which is not too dukan friendly but has plenty of protein (a bit too much fat but B thought he couldn’t let it go to waste)

Today I will concentrate on the PP day again, I have not prepared a proper lunch, but I have ham, a boiled egg, some of my dukan bread, crab sticks and Fat free yogurts in the office, so lunch will be a bit weird but then I will be home tonight as B is having dinner at his brother’s and there I will have a proper protein yummy dinner! – normally I have a big lunch and small dinner, but today will have to be the other way around and will prepare a nice protein Tupperware lunch for tomorrow and will cook more dukan bread.

One thing I have not been doing is exercise. I’ve been staying at B’s all week so from his place I need to take the Metro to work, and the walk to and from the station is barely exercise. Plus it has been raining nonstop. Sun is out today so (although it will be night time when I leave work – so it would be more appropriate to say there is a clear sky) I will walk home today (3.5 km) and will walk to work tomorrow in the morning and hopefully get back into the habit.

Anyway, got to do some work now.
Have a wonderful day and watch out for an update on the big whoosh tomorrow ha ha ha (cross your fingers, anyway!)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Very Quick triple update

Don't have much time, but have three updates to give.

1- i did not manage to do a PP attack day today. Long story, low will power.
2- despite the non-dukan weekend my weight has not changed either way - i was expecting a gain but got a minus 100 grams!! incredible. I think today might have ruined that... but i am determined to restart tomorrow
3 - still smoking but by far not as much as before. Also linked to the long story and low will power.

So, tomorrow diet, non smoking and propper blogging!!
By the way my exam is on the 30th of November.. 10 days away .. yikes!! That might have much to do with all of the above!

Cheers everyone and thanks for the lovely comments!!!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sushi and smoking

Happy Sunday everyone!

No weigh in today, this week like I reported on Friday has been baaaad, bad in all senses. Work was crap and frustrating. Diet even more... I had great days that ended with wine and picky food for dinner. I was not able to concentrate. Quitting smoking has been postponed until I feel better with myself.

Food wise. Saturday I had my traditional Sushi day with 3 friends. We meet every two or three monts taking turns with whose house we meet at - although this time it had been almost 5 months - and we make home made sushi. Its so much fun.... we buy everything, the rice, vinegar, algae, wasabee, 500 gr of salmon, tuna and butter fish... we use also cucumbers, avocado and crab sticks. We mainly make rolls, which is the easeast and funnest.. who makes the tastier roll, the better looking one.. we also make nagiri, of course and by the time we sit to eat we are so full because of trying it while we make it and eating the bits that fall out.. its great fun. Needless to say there is also a lot of drinking going on while we make it. Anyway, that was my saturday meal...

So, no weigh in today, first because i was at B's and since his scales weigh one more kilo than mine it was going to be depressing to see such a high number even if you know you need to substract one!!! And second because i am so afraid to see the actual numbers!!! ainssss

Today are the presidential elections. B went to his home town to vote (I voted by post a week ago as i would need to go to Tenerife to vote...) The political and crisis situation in Spain is very very bad at the moment. Our socialist government is in a very bad spot right now, and im not saying a change would solve things, but it is one of those times where weather you want it or not a change is in order. I just hope that everyone goes to vote and votes wisely, in Spain abstention rates have always been high, but hopefully not this time.

Anyway today as I already voted, its raining cats and dogs and B is away i will have a quiet dukan perfect day!! Lets see what the scales have to say tomorrow. And this week i need to jump back on the dukan wagon 100% get back to the lowest weight of 59,8 (if i reached 59,5 would be even better) so, that is my mini goal for the week!!!!!! A 3 day attack is my plan for the begining of the week! Yes sir!!

I leave you know with a few pictures of our sushi making and a happy Sunday to everyone!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Bad week... Next one will be better!!

Quick update to say the week has been tough. A few issues at work, have finished quite late except for today as I have taken the afternoon off. Just got a much needed haircut and I'm having a coffee in a terrace, with those mushroom heaters that are so in vogue now that they banned smoking in bars in spain.

Smoking wise I supposedly quit yesterday, did very well until the evening when I smoked a couple after dinner with B. And ofcousre I'm smoking one now. *sigh*

Dukan wise bad week as well. Came back from the week away with one kilo. Did two attack days with a couple of cheats (wine) and went back down to 60.4 - i.e. Minus 400 gr. Yesterday PV day and some cheats... Back to 60.8 - Arggg. Weekend is here so no motivation for dukan or non-smoking so I will chill, relax, enjoy with limits - can't loose all control...- and next week will be better!! Work wise, dukan wise, and ciggie wise!! Deal? Deal!!

That's all for now. Going to B's and I will enjoy the weekend! Sunday are the general elections so it's a very very important day for Spain!! Wish us luck with the results!!

Cheers all! Enjoy your weekends!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 87 I think - PP attack to regain control

So, Tuesday's weigh in after the business-pleasure trip was 60,8 exactly one kilo gained... Ok. It could have been worse, I actually deserved worse!! So, back to work, and like Moonday says, work puts me back into dukan mood.
Yesterday was a PP day, ruined it a bit at dinner but still managed to lose 100 grams! Today, PP again for a couple of days see if I can whoosh a bit and get back to my lowest of 59,8 ...
Not much more to report, have my tupperware with chicken ccooked in a bit of sofrito and my dukan bread sandwich with light Philly and turkey, a couple of yogurts.. That's my menu for the day and then dinner will be either eggs (soft boiled or omelette) or carpaccio.. Not sure yet.
I should quit smoking this week as planned, tomorrow might be a good day.. We shall see!
Cheers from the bus!! Have a great day!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

I'm back!!!

Back from my trip. Dukan wise it started well but as the days went along non-dukan food started to appear, ending with McDonald's (full menu with burger and fries!!) Today I was supposed to get back on PP but my flight was cancelled, so airport lunch and sancking all day till 6 when finally my flight left!! tonight just a yogurt.. and tomrrow me & my scale will have a long chat!! Hope the news it gives me are not too bad - will let you know tomorrow!!!

As for the trip itself, the training was good, two full days of "class" has helped in my studies, now, just three weeks and it will be over! The weekend there with B was great, i was happy to show him where i have spent 6 great years!! Meeting my old friends was great, but like i said, plenty of Non-dukan dinners and lunches.. but so much fun!!!

Tomorrow back to the office.. not looking forward to it at all!!!
Have a nice evening everyone, and will let you know how the weigh in goes tomorrow!

Monday, November 07, 2011

Monday Monday

The Mamas and the Papas... great (couple of) songs!!

today's weight: 60,5
yesterday's weight: 60,3 oooops going in the wrong direction here...

Anyway.. i admit the weekend was terrible food wise, too many cheats, and what happens when you cheat..?? we know the answer. BUT today i have jumped back on the wagon, had a great PP lunch and will have a light PP dinner.

I finally bought the oat bran and I just made a big loaf of dukan bread so i will make a sandwhich for tomorrow evening, when i will be travelling. My flight is at 8.20 pm so I will have my dukan sandwich during the flight!

From Wednesday to Sunday will be hard. I will be away, staying at hotels, seeing friends and co-workers from the Luxembourg office, and B will be joining on Friday. I already have a couple of dinners at restaurants lined up... humph! it will be very hard. At the canteen at work I'll have salads from the salad bar which is what I always used to have.. dinner... is another story...

Yesterday I spent the day with my nephew, McDonalds included... i had nuggets and stole a frie or two from his happy meal.. yup... i did, they were awesome and i am NOT a McDonalds's fan!!!!

Tonight is the debate between our two presidential candidates and since I cant vote directly (don't live in the city where i am censored) i will vote tomorrow by post, so off to pack my suitcase before the debate as I leave straight from work!!! don't think I'll blog the rest of the week and I wont have scales ... so... i might give an update on blogger for Iphone, but if not: see ya next Monday!!!

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Saturday night

Last night was fun! rained all night which wasnt as fun.. but thankfully it does not rain inside bars!

Today I spent the day in town with B and two friends that are visiting him, it was fun, and we walked a lot !!! Lunch was light but not totally Dukan. I need to concentrate again!!!

Weigh in was ok this morning: 60,1 a bit down from yesterday...

Tomorrow I spend the day with my nephew, he's 6 and a half and so much fun to be with.

Anyway, got to run, I'm having dinner with B and his friends, restaurant we wanted to go to is full, so I also need to think of an alternative... oh well!

Cheers and I hope you are all enjoying the weekend!

Friday, November 04, 2011

I got a feeling

That tonight's gonna be a good night... :0)

Feeling happy, its Friday!! and so what if scale said this morning 60,3 ???- I think it's due to it being TTOM and I'm not going to let that ruin the Friday feeling, also who cares if it is raining?? I walked home from lunch with two excellent friends (3km) and I feel grrrreat. And who cares that today I skipped the diet?? - must say that i did not over indulge, I just ate with some non-dukan ingredients but I did not eat like a pig, I ate ... how can i say it... "normal"

So, that said... its Friday and tonight I am going out with some dear friends. I'll be careful as already at lunch I had what would be a "celebration meal"

And that's all for today as i need to get ready for tonight!! (ill take a pic for a possible "before and during" picture post!

Cheers everyone!!

Thursday, November 03, 2011

I've got the Power

I already used this song title before, but today its actually referring to THE POWER as in electric power! Light's are back!!

No weigh in this morning as I finally decided to sleep at B's - lights were still gone at 11 and the thought of a cold shower in the morning ... so although he had to leave very early in the morning on business i prefered an early morning with shower than an hour more in bed but no shower! logical, no?

So, I cheated.. big time. As I left his place so early and arrived at work more than an hour early i went to Starbucks... and yes! I had a Wonderful chocolate chip coockie!! I don't know what happened.. but it did. To make up for it i was good the rest of the day, had more water than usual and although it is raining i walked home, me, my backpack and my umbrella!!

Oh well! I have decided not to regret it, as it was the most wonderful breakfast!! and i say this as a person who likes toast with olive oil and a fresh squeezed tomato!! so its not like i use to have sweet for breakfast!!! - this is a pic of bread with olive oil and tomato - its a very spanish thing!!

Work was long today, and studying afterwards was .. blah. Some TV now and i might go out for a drink later.. meaning i will have a coke light, of course!!

Seeing some of you post before and after pictures has made me think about posting as well... maybe this weekend i will take a nice pic and find another from this summer to see if you see the difference!! its not much, 4 kilos, but I actually can see the difference myself in the mirror daily... so ill give it a thought and do it this weekend!

Til then... have a nice evening and a nice Friday!!!

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

November Rain

Today’s weight: 59.8 kg
Monday’s weight: 60 kg
Friday 28th: 59.8

It's raining today and I have no electric power! So blogging from iPhone

So, despite the long weekend as yesterday was a holiday and despite that I had a couple of meals out and a couple of cheats and that when I did not cheat the meals were PV, I have been able to maintain Friday’s weight which was my lowest since Dukan.

I have an upset stomach today which has been “good” as since yesterday I’ve been going to the WC quite often which as we all know is wonderful! (in a sense.. and sorry for the topic) that probably helped with the returning to Friday’s weight after the weekend exceses. So I need to be extra good this week, get to 59.0 consolidate this weight and hopefully never see the high 60’s again!!

Next week Wednesday I am going on a Business trip back to Luxembourg where I used to live. It will be a busy 6 days, with catching up with everyone, seeing all my friends and coworkers….the actual business trip, so actual Work is only 2.5 days but then I stay for the weekend and B will join me on Friday. So I know there will be a lot of going out a lot of eating and a lot of drinking… as much as I am looking forward to the trip, at the same time I am dreading the not being able to resist and eat and gain weight!! This is actually a good feeling, hopefully it will keep me loyal to the diet!!! Oh well. We shall see

For the rest, all is good. Lots of work, which now a days is so important!!

Today I ate out with my boss and an excolleague, we went to the Italian restaurant downstairs. I had pasta with arrabiata sauce so a light extra PP dinner no heating dinner - no power, remember? - is in order, and I’m not going out or meeting B or anything so it should be perfect! Good thing I have some mince with tomato in the freezer , which is now defrosting against my will for tomorrow - extra super duper PP meal for tomorrow it shall be!

Cheers and have a great evening. For me it will be a candle light boring one!!