Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Exam passed!! yay!!

Today's weight: 59,7

Yesterday being my 100th day I had sort of a breakdown. For some reason I could not stop eating!! Looking back on it TTOM is approaching, that's one reason, and I was having my exam the next day (i.e. today) - so, all that not being able to stop eating, obviously means: chocolate, cookies & potato chips (only had like 3, stopped just in time)... however since I felt guilty I did something you shouldnt do: went to bed with no dinner!! I wasn't hungry really, from pigging out... so today the scales stayed practically the same..

But last night in bed I thought: f** it! and thought that today I would just eat whatever I wanted, while falling asleep I planned having a delicious and carby breakfast and thought after the exam I would have lunch with my mom and have a nice pasta or something and thought... who cares!! BUT... Ladies (and maybe some unknown gentleman out there who might be reading), surprisingly enough this morning I had my oat bran toast (ok, yea, with a tiny bit of raspberry marmalade), my cafe latte .. went to my exam... had lunch out with mom: fish and very nice lettuce, onion and tomato salad, no desert... Then spent some time with my nephew and watched him eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich (i'll admit to a bit of mouth watering while watching him, but I resisted with ease!!!) and have not snacked at all!!! Incredible no? I decided and allowed my self to just eat whatever, but eating Dukan just came out naturally... it was not a conscious effort!! I'm having a diet coke now and will have a ham omelette and some low fat cheese later. I'm so proud!!
And yes, I passed my exam!! Its taken at a examination center (the examening body is in the UK but they have exam centers all over) and it is computer based, so you have 50 questions + 5 trial questions that don't count towards your score, and at the end it prints a certificate saying you've taken the exam and it tells you "pass" or "fail" saying it is a provisional result and you need to check after 72hrs on their website for the score! But for me, that "pass" is more than enough!! haha!!!

So, now, in January part III of the certificate... this thing is endless!! Two down, one to go!!

So, tonight I am happy for having stuck to the diet even after giving myself permission to break it... having passed my exam.. and B is coming back, but I think I won't see him tonight as again he travels early tomorrow morning but just for a return in the day trip...

Tomorrow, after two months of tupperware lunches at work so I could study at lunch time, I will go out for lunch to the menu place with my colleagues, I hope I am able to order dukan food and resist as well as I resisted today. Saturday B and I go away for a week so I must resist tomorrow and Friday since I know that away it will be more difficult!!

Have a great evening everyone!!!!


  1. Hey, congratulations on passing your exam! But even bigger congrats that you stuck to the Dukan way of eating when you had mentally given yourself permission to go awol. You are awesome!! Well Done!

  2. CONGRATS on passing your exam! Hooray! And very admirable self-control on your eating... :)

  3. GREAT job on both! How to get back on the wagon after a cheat is the most important thing to learn. Because one cheat can easily lead to the next day being a "day off" from the diet, then the entire week, then you will restart next month ... and then you are back where you started or even higher! Been there, done that!
