Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 87 I think - PP attack to regain control

So, Tuesday's weigh in after the business-pleasure trip was 60,8 exactly one kilo gained... Ok. It could have been worse, I actually deserved worse!! So, back to work, and like Moonday says, work puts me back into dukan mood.
Yesterday was a PP day, ruined it a bit at dinner but still managed to lose 100 grams! Today, PP again for a couple of days see if I can whoosh a bit and get back to my lowest of 59,8 ...
Not much more to report, have my tupperware with chicken ccooked in a bit of sofrito and my dukan bread sandwich with light Philly and turkey, a couple of yogurts.. That's my menu for the day and then dinner will be either eggs (soft boiled or omelette) or carpaccio.. Not sure yet.
I should quit smoking this week as planned, tomorrow might be a good day.. We shall see!
Cheers from the bus!! Have a great day!!!


  1. Great! You can do it, and get back there in no time...

  2. Good luck with quitting smoking -- that's the BEST thing you can do for your health... :)
