Monday, November 07, 2011

Monday Monday

The Mamas and the Papas... great (couple of) songs!!

today's weight: 60,5
yesterday's weight: 60,3 oooops going in the wrong direction here...

Anyway.. i admit the weekend was terrible food wise, too many cheats, and what happens when you cheat..?? we know the answer. BUT today i have jumped back on the wagon, had a great PP lunch and will have a light PP dinner.

I finally bought the oat bran and I just made a big loaf of dukan bread so i will make a sandwhich for tomorrow evening, when i will be travelling. My flight is at 8.20 pm so I will have my dukan sandwich during the flight!

From Wednesday to Sunday will be hard. I will be away, staying at hotels, seeing friends and co-workers from the Luxembourg office, and B will be joining on Friday. I already have a couple of dinners at restaurants lined up... humph! it will be very hard. At the canteen at work I'll have salads from the salad bar which is what I always used to have.. dinner... is another story...

Yesterday I spent the day with my nephew, McDonalds included... i had nuggets and stole a frie or two from his happy meal.. yup... i did, they were awesome and i am NOT a McDonalds's fan!!!!

Tonight is the debate between our two presidential candidates and since I cant vote directly (don't live in the city where i am censored) i will vote tomorrow by post, so off to pack my suitcase before the debate as I leave straight from work!!! don't think I'll blog the rest of the week and I wont have scales ... so... i might give an update on blogger for Iphone, but if not: see ya next Monday!!!


  1. I've got to try to make the bran bread. I just keep spooning it in my FF Greek yogurt, LOL. Glad to see you back on the agonizing with the rest of us xoxo

  2. Have a great trip!!! Best of Dukan luck! ;-)
