Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 100 !! wow!

*** editing *** Today's weight: 58,8 - 4,3kg lost on Ducan with a loooooot of cheating going on. - Obviously it is 59,8 and not 58... yea, I wish! still, very close to my goal.

Like I say in my introduction or "about me" section, my goal on Dukan is not to lose a huge amount of weight but to lose those kilos gained since my 20's. 7 in total. Not much, so I really don't mind if it is a slow process. I have cooked with olive oil, had sugar in my coffee at least once a day (the rest with sweetner) I do a celebration meal so to speak at least once a week when with family or friends, and the ocasional glass of wine. A Gin and Tonic every once in a while if I go out... so all in all I am quite happy with my loss. And I will continue until I reach 57kg even it it takes me another 100 days! :o)

Christmas is approaching and I find myself with two Danger zones. Next week we have 2 bank holidays almost in a row: Tuesday and Thursday. So yes, I am taking Mon, Wed, and Friday off and going away for a week. Last time I was away for a week I gained 1 kilo. Second danger zone.. Christmas!!

So, it will be hard, but I am sure I will manage. wont think about it now. All I know is the days which are not in the Danger Zone I will behave and leverage the damage... we shall see

Not much more to say on this 100th day except: KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED TOMORROW!!! I have my exam!!


  1. 10 pounds! Awesome! Keep check on what you "need to eat" versus what you "want to eat" during this difficult month! You are only 1.8 kg from your next goal... make it happen by Jan 1... new year, new you! xoxoxo

  2. The fact you can cheat a bit and lose weight is pretty awesome. I bet you can almost taste your goal now. Keep it up. Looking forward to celebrating with you when you get there!!

  3. Just sat in the airport with a coffee and read your comment - thanx for the tip we will seek those places and drinks out!!
