Monday, March 26, 2012

Attack, again.. and again...

Ok, so back to attack, and this time for good. I have to be very strong this month for a couple of reasons I'll tell you about soon.

I have to say I am having a harder time keeping strong partly because of this no smoking thing.. and stress and anyway I won't whine... I can do it.

Mexican food last night was so yummy and so Non-Dukan. I behaved, more or less, and enjoyed it as a last supper sort of thing. Today I was an A student and there was a batch of muffins right by my desk from someone who had cooked them for the team. I resisted even looking at them!!

Anyway.. here we go! Attack day 1 DONE!!
(Didn't weigh my self this morning, and will not do it until Friday... see how that goes... i always weighed myself every day, I will try a different approach this time)

Have a nice evening everyone!


  1. Attack is such a great jump start. Good luck again :-)

  2. I'm contemplating going to a weighing in once a week also. Sometimes weighing in every day and seeing the ups and downs really gets me irritated! Anyhow... We too are starting over it seems. We've been "on vacation" for 2 weeks and crap... I'm up 9 lbs!! So... here's to "attacking!"
    ~Jamie (formerly known as Losing it with Curt and Jamie)

  3. Good luck! You can do it!

    And keep it up with the quitting smoking, so hard but so worthit!

  4. Attack is a pain, but worth it ... I am making it through Day 3 right now, again...
