Friday, March 16, 2012

Summary work-week 1

Lost since monday: 2.5kg in 3 days of attack + one PV.

Yesterday I took the day off and had lunch with my mom. It was meant to be the 4th day of attack, but it turned into a PV day. Had a nice salad with lettuce, onion, tuna, asparragus, tomato and a tiny bit of corn that i tried to avoid and two eggs sunny side up and some green peppers as main course. I had 4 (literaly FOUR) french fries (hummm) that came with the eggs although I had asked not to have them. So temptation was huge and i dipped FOUR fries on the runny egg yolk (yummy!)

Anyway no harm done as yesterday's weight was 62.3 and today 62.0 yay!!!
So, as planned first week of attack -2.5 kg (which might be just 2 if you dont take the weekend water weight into account) Anywhooooo its great for the morale and the will power.

Two colleagues celebrated their birthday today and brought in an amazing breakfast... did not lift my bumb from my chair.. not even to whish them a happy birtday (not too nice... but i have zero will power) but as soon as all the food is gone I will go to their desk to congratulate them... oh well!!

Off to Valencia tomorrow morning... hope to behave food wise as Dukan will be difficult... but already feel good about kick starting the dukan challenge again!

On Tuesday I will let you know how it went!
Have a great weekend


  1. Good luck with your weekend!
    And you do have willpower! You didn't get up and use that as an excuse to cheat, right? You did it! Keep it up!

  2. Great job so far ... and let us know how the weekend went!
