Monday, March 12, 2012

Back.... hopefully to stay...

Hello, hello... I'm back on the blog... and re-re-re-restarting Dukan!

Since december 3rd when I reached my lowest at 59.5 i have not been able to diet at all. I had a restart on New Year's that didnt last. I then went back up. Then I finally quit smoking, and.... up up up and away. So now, I am back to the starting weight of august 2011 with 64.5kg (yikes, how did that happen)but at least I'm not smoking. Oh well.

My weight had stabilised at 63 - 63.5 but today I saw 64.5 and decided, that's enough!!!

B's away all week, so its the perfect time to do the Attack phase. Plus I'm studying again, so no temptations to go out with friends or anything like that. I reall really want to have a mega-woosh of a couple of kilos on Attack, I need it mostly psychologically... not so much for the 2kg but for feeling able to restart and go back to 60 again as a first mini-goal.

On my time away from blogging I have read your blogs regularly so I know that you are all doing quite well. A very special "congratulations" to Sandi who is now officially my hero... and also to Moonday for blogging regularly again. Can't name you all, but you know who you are.

I will now check out the new blogger, Dukan Dietress, who commented on my last post, without knowing I was a quitter .. haha... but I am back, stronger than ever, and since the weather is so awesome after a very very cold winter, i will start my walking again ...

Cheers all... and I am glad to be back, and hope to stay ...


  1. You are not a quitter if you are coming back on the Diet :P Good luck, I hope you get the phenominal results you are hoping for.


    1. thanks!! still reading through your blog, but saw your before and after pics!! amazing!! you and your guy look amazing! well done!

  2. YAY, glad you are back. Missed you. I've just restarted too.... let's do it this time!!!

  3. Replies
    1. thanks!!
      Great pics the other day, by the way! looking very good!!!
