Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday I'm in love

Day 40 of fast.. I mean.. diet ;o)
Cruise day 36 – PV
CW: 61.0 (ok, not the 60’s but almost)
Daily Loss: 0.1 kg
Total lost: 3,1 kg
Distance from goal: 4 kg

Ok, so the scales of “ungratefulness” decided not to show me that 0 after the 6… so frustrating, come on, what’s the difference between 60.9 and 61 !!! nothing!! 100 grams!! So ungrateful !! I was an A student yesterday with PP and I walked my 3km home from work. Well, weight wise its nothing, but psychologically it would have been a great accomplishment. The reason I am “angry about it” is that I always gain a little on the weekend. I am so going to try to behave this WE.

It’s Friday, which is always good news. Today’s menu (I was meant to go out… danger zone!! But B and I are staying in and having a nice diner - I will behave so maybe I can see the 60’s tomorrow?? (hum, doubt itI'll probably have a glass of wine, i desrve it)

- Brekko: non fat latte + mini dukan sandwich with a hint of olive oil and ham – after today’s scale disappointment I added a tiny little bit of Orange marmalade to it (if you’ve never tried it the best is: cooked ham + orange marmalade sandwich in nice soft sweet bread … delicious!! But today it’s the dukan version…)

- Lunch: 4 mini hamburger patties + red peppers
- Dinner: not sure yet but it will be Dukan friendly + tiny glass of wine

Humm just realized TTOM is just in a few days.. maybe that’s the reason for the tiny -0.1 kg loss… I’ll encourage myself thinking so!

Have a great weekend everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're in a similar place to me. Start 65kg trying to get to 55kg... This whole week I only lost 200g.... I'm so frustrated as I was super good. It makes me want to go on an eating binge, but that won't help with the weight loss will it. Keep up the great work, reading other blogs like yours is keeping me going. :-)
