Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cruise 20 – PV

Day 24
Cruise 20 – PV (found imposible to do 3 PP days in a row.. back to cruise due to good weight results today which were…..
Weight 61.4 (-0.8) yay!!
Total lost 2.7 kg

Wow! Was not expecting that big drop!!! Im sure its not the scales of tease as I went on and off about 5 or 6 times… only once did it read 62 something but the rest 61.4 all the way. I will change the batteries though just in case. But until then… WOO HOOOO. I guess my body needed a bit of indulging for it to react!!

Last night’s dinner was very light. Carpaccio with just a tiny bit of parmesan flakes. I did have a bit of wine though as B came back from his long weekend…. But I did exercise quite a bit yesterday walked to work and back home

Breakfast: starbucks tall late
Lunch: salad with tomato and tuna, fish with salad (double salad today) + yogourt
Snack: no time to snack and not hungry
Dinner: ham & yogourt at B's

I walked from work to my parents place to get the bike (2.8 km)

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