Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I'm back!!!

Day 36
Cruise day 32 -PV
62,1 (+0,3 since last weigh in but +0,8 in a week)(ouch!!)
total lost 2kg

Im back!!!

Back on the log and back on the diet as last week was a bit of a disaster… I did all the wrong things, but also tried to minimize damage and I did do two PP days in a row. Then the weekend was a disaster again, so I am back to 62.1 (+0.8 from minimum weight reached). So…… it’s a minor set back in terms of weight but Huge in terms of time … a set-back of nearly a month.

I was sick last week – did not even feel like blogging and even less like being strict with the diet. I had a lot of orange juice for example… my body was craving it due to the cold. And a lot of comfort food… but now I am much better and I have a quiet week ahead form a social life perspective.

Anyway, when the going gets tough… the tough get going!! and after a couple of mini-pastries this morning for a colleagues birthday (ooooops!!! Couldn’t help it!!!) I am now officially going into “strict mode”. Today I was not prepared so it will need to be PV day and have ordered a delicious salad from this place near work. And dinner will be extra light. Tomorrow and the rest of the week strict PP and as much exercise as I can. By Friday I need to be in the low 61’s !! which will mean I can reach my next mini-goal – entering the 60’s

Yesterday was an ok diet day with B with exception of a beer before lunch. And to fight against the usual Sunday boredom we went for a “walk” in the afternoon which ended being a 2.5 hour walk of about 8 km!! all inside the city but it was great. Temperature was great and we enjoyed it a lot. I spent all weekend at his place so I did not weigh myself, so this morning I was a bit scared to go on the scales… all in all its not bad but I was hoping not to see the 62’s and there they were!! Oh well.

Today I confirmed with the owner that I will rent a parking space for my bike, temperature in the morning is getting chilly and this fall is supposed to be quite rainy so if I finally get the parking space I will be walking a bit more, hopefully.


  1. glad your feeling better - sometimes weekends are a killer! It annoys me because I know I have more time on a weekend to prepare delicious Dukan meals and yet somehow bad stuff creeps in - grrr

  2. Thanks!! Today for the first day I'm feeling 100% from my cold. Yes!! the weekend is horrible, but for once I'm happy weekend is just two days!!
