Monday, September 19, 2011

Cruise 25 – Non-Dukan Sunday and PP Monday

Day 29
Weight: 61.8
+500 gr since Saturday’s weight
Total lost: 2.3 kg (need to get to 3… arggggggg)

So, Saturday night, total disaster… had 4, yes FOUR Gintonics. Bad part is its not because I cheated that I am shocked, but because it is way too much alcohol in any case!! Okay, so the night was very long! And the first one was justified. I found out some shocking news about someone and oh well with the shock instead of saying to the waiter “coke light please” the words “gin and tonic” came out of my mount (hehehe) .. the second one was a celebration drink one as the friends I was with announced their engagement! The rest… anyway… terrible terrible. The surprising thing as that scales did not reflect the huge transgression on Sunday morning.

BUT the bad news came this morning, but not only due to the drinks… mostly do to yesterday’s day at our friends’ place. I indulged in all the prohibited things: a bit of bread, a tiny potato with the rostbeef, a slice of spinach quiche (with normal quiche crust) wine, guacamole with a couple of nachos, a delicious but very fatty creamy cheese and bit of birthday cake!!!! – only good thing is that all those forbidden things.. I only had a small quantity of, just a taste so to speak, however the scales this morning punished the alcochol and the Sunday meal by showing a +500 gr! Argggg

I call these 500 gr “false or visiting weight” as I am sure that with a strict PP day today they will disappear. The problem is letting them settle for a day of two… if you are not careful they become “permanent” and harder to loose. I guess it is what others call water weight… we shall see.

Today breakfast was coffee and one dukan buiscuit. Lunch carpaccio and a yogurt (with olive oil and a bit of parmesan flakes on the carpaccio… I need to! – haha) and hopefully dinner will be PP I have chicken breasts at home that need to be done today or will go bad.

No exercise this weekend and none again today... oh well, i promise to do some this week, last week i did and the weight loss was quicker or more efficient at least!!!

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