Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Now, let me just say Dukaning has been ...... impossible. I have eaten to my heart's content and the scales have reminded me this morning... back up to 61,3

Tomorrow I am off with my parents to Tenerife for 6 days. Dukaning will be hard but as it is a relaxed holiday at home (no beach, no all inclusive, not a holiday) since my mom has a house there and in the city not the beach, I think i will be able to control the damage and even lose weight if I stick to my plan of not doing anything special. We will be at home, in our home, and everytime I am there I like having nice healthy food: fish, veggies... so hopefully by Jan 1st I will be at least down to 60, yes Sir!!! Only dangerous day: New Year's eve ofcourse. But I will let you know.

In the mean time, have a great week! I will not be able to post from there so see you January 1st!!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your holiday!!!
    I've never been to Tenerife, but could do with a sunny vacation! Good luck with your January 1st goal - you can do it, chick! x
